Cult Design — Net Zero Action Plan

At n0de, we’ve been busy helping businesses embrace Net Zero action. Recently, we’ve been lucky to work with the wonderful and passionate team at Cult, who participated in n0de’s recent Net Zero Activation Trial, where we helped them to articulate a Net Zero Vision.

Leading with design first and always, Cult are passionate about authentic, quality and timeless design, ensuring only the highest levels of craftsmanship in their products.

Just as n0de did with Southern Seagreens and Aegir Divers, we took some readily available data — a few energy bills and some logistics data — from Cult to develop a simple emissions baseline that helped identify areas to focus action.  Incorporating Cult’s DNA and initiatives such as Cultivated, we articulated a Net Zero Vision with a Net Zero Action Plan on how to get there. 

Here’s some thoughts from Nicole Johnson, Cult’s Sustainability Manager, on working with n0de as part of the trial.

Did you have a strategy or target in mind before n0de’s Net Zero Activation for Cult?

We had a number of different initiatives addressing various components of Net Zero but, in the early days, understanding where to start is one of the biggest challenges. Working with n0de, the Net Zero Activation provided a great overview and clearly articulates the priority areas we need to focus on to start making an impact.

What did n0de’s Net Zero Vision provide for you?

It really simplified what can feel like an overwhelming amount of information into a clear and articulate narrative about the next steps we need to take as a business. The design element was really engaging and accessible. It will really help in communicating with our teams.

What are the next steps for Cult?

A large piece of the journey to transform a business is to educate and empower our teams. The Net Zero Vision from n0de allows me to tie the various moving pieces together and align the team. We don’t see this as a single project, and we want to ensure our teams are identifying new opportunities and driving Net Zero together.


Carbon offsets: A tonne for a tonne